Deals, Moscow
Best offer
The best offer is valid for pre-booking and one hundred percent prepayment, it cannot be combined with other special offers and discounts. You can get acquainted with the fare in the booking module by setting the date of arrival and departure. The rate is valid only when booking from the hotel's website. Only for individuals.
In case of cancellation up to 2 days before the arrival date, cancellation is free of charge. In case of cancellation of the reservation less than 2 days before the arrival date, the cost of the first day will be charged.
Tariff for Legal Entities
When booking this way are paid 100% of the cost of living. In the event of timely cancellation the amount paid will be refunded*.
*A refund is available if the cancellation was made more than 5 days before the day of arrival (unless otherwise specified in the special offer). Otherwise, the hotel reserves the right to withhold 100% of the amount paid, the cost of accommodation in the selected room.
The invoice must be paid upon receipt. Account you will receive a file attachment in the email with the voucher to the email specified during the booking process. After payment please send the payment order with the mark of Bank by e-mail (in the subject line, please indicate “payment for the booking no. ... - enter your booking number).